ZT2 Download Library Wiki

Here are the steps you need to follow to upload a new download to the wiki.

Step #1: Create a New Page

First, click on the "Add a New Page" button at the top right corner of the website. (You can also click here instead). When it asks for the name page, call it Download Name (Creator Name), for example: Bengal Tiger (Blue Fang), for the tiger featured in the base game. If there are multiple creators, list them in alphabetical order, using commas and the & symbol.

Step #2: Adding the Template

Then, you will need to copy the Download template. You can either copy it from an existing page and change the values, or from the following blank text:

| title              = 
| othertitles        = 
| image              = 
| galleryimage       = 
| Creator            = 
| UXP                = 
| Status             = 
| Release Date       = 
| Credits            = 
| Public Domain      = 
| Required Exps      = 
| Required Downloads = 
| Where to Find      = 

If you're editing in the Source Editor, you will see this exact same text, and will simply have to fill in the fields on the right, after the = symbol.

If you're editing in the Visual Editor, you will see an empty table. Click on it and then on "Edit" to fill in the fields.

You can freely change between both editors to see what is more comfortable for you.

Step #3: Filling the Table

Now you can start adding the download's info. If you have trouble with some section, see another download's page as an example.

title = Download title, without the creator name. For example: Bengal Tiger.

othertitles = For animals and plants, the scientific name goes here, make sure to include a link. For hacks, a short description of what it does. It can be left blank for other downloads.

image = Image link, for the image shown in the table. You can upload the appropiate file in the top bar.

gallerymage = Image link, for the image shown in category galleries. It will usually be the same as the regular image, or the first image if there are multiple, but this is not mandatory.

Creator = the creator (or creators) name, as in the page title. Make sure to include a link.

UXP = What Pack (Usermade eXpansion Pack) the download belongs to, including a link. Write None if it is a single download.

Status = Available, Unavailable or Unreleased including a link.

Release Date = In Month, Day, Year format; e.g. Jan 1, 2020, including a link for the year. If the exact date is unknown, the year is enough. If the date is completely unknown, write Unknown.

Credits = Links to people who indirectly helped in the creation, for example by providing base models and skins.

Required Exps = Original Expansion Packs required for the download to work, with the following symbols: Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

Required Downloads = Other usermade content required for the download to work properly, such as animations, biomes, etc., with a link.

Where to Find = External link to the download page, such as a forum or the creator's website. Please not direct links are not allowed, unless you are the creator of the download. Include the page name.

If there are additions (hacks, variants, etc.), you can add a second table below the first, but make sure to leave the galleryimage field blank in the second and subsequent tables.

Step #4: Adding Categories

Add categories so that the download will be easy to find. You can find this option in the Visual Editor in the "Page Options" Tab. In Source Editor, simply write [[Category:CategoryName]] at the bottom of the page.

Look at a similar download (if adding a lion, see a tiger page, if adding a fence see another fence, for a tree see another tree, etc.). Click here to see the existing download categories.

When adding a category, try to always use the smallest category available. For example, our ibex is a Mammal, but that is a very general category. Ungulates is more specific, but then we have a Caprids category which is just perfect.

Categories you should include are, in this order: type of animal/object, creator, UXP, location, biome, IUCN conservation status (for living animals), time periods (for extinct animals), year of release, public domain (if applicable).

If you are adding an animal with two or more words in its name (example: Bengal Tiger), go below the categories to Options and there will be a box saying Sort this page by default as. In that box, write the animal name in this format: Tiger, Bengal. This will make the animal appear under the letter of its species, so Bengal Tiger appears under T.

Once you are done adding categories, you can preview your changes, and save them once you're finished. Congratulations, you have contributed to the ZT2 Download Wiki!
