AdriantheEditor's Zoo Tycoon 2 Download Wishlist
The following is a list of downloads for Zoo Tycoon 2 that I would like to have.
- A remake of the base game's African Elephant that changes its name to the African Bush Elephant and updates the textures and models while keeping the blocky and cartoonish style.
- An olive baboon download
W.I.P Article
Any future W.I.P project pages for wiki goes here. It's merely just preparation and dump when the mod gets finally released. Anyone is free to use this to create the page for my mod, as long as it's released!
- 1 Pet Land Stuff Pack (LoliJuicy)
- 2 Contents
- 2.1 Animals
- 2.2 Buildings
- 2.3 Enrichments
- 2.4 Miscellaneous
- 2.5 Sceneries
- 2.6 Shelters
- 3 Ethereal Mermaid (LoliJuicy)
- 4 Contents
- 4.1 Animals
- 4.2 Sceneries
- 4.3 Placeholder
- 5 Solo Works
- 6 Misc
- 7 Drafts
- 8 Scrapped
Pet Land Stuff Pack is a small pack created by LoliJuicy, with the theme mostly revolving around farm and petting. Most of the contents in this pack are obtained from the first beta version of the Zoo Tycoon 2 series.
- Domestic Chicken
- Domestic Goat
- Domestic Sheep
- Llama
- Shetland Pony
- Petting Zoo
- Grain Pellets
- Hipster Guest Varia…
Mini-Pack Ideas
Personal Parasaurs is a mini-pack made by (insert name here) made in (insert date here), aiming to add various fictional Parasaurolophus species based on some of the animal's depiction in media. All of the animals in this game uses the Jurassic Park Parasaurolophus model by Mysterious Map Marvels (due to the model and skin being public domain).
Alternate Zoo Tycoon 2 V2
Here's my second idea for if Zoo Tycoon 2 had more animals, but this time, more biomes as well, albeit with vanilla-styled appearance and function to fit with the game's cartoonish art style.
- 1 List of Biomes
- 2 List of Animals
- 2.1 Zoo Tycoon 2
- 2.2 Bonus Downloads
- 2.3 Endangered Species
- 2.4 Bountiful Birds
- 2.5 African Adventures
- 2.6 Eurasian Expedition
- 2.7 Madly Madagascar
- 2.8 Marine Mania
- 2.9 Extinct Animals
- 2.10 Fantastic Fantasy
- 2.11 Ultimate Collection
- 2.12 Map Ambients
- 2.13 Placeable Ambients
- 3 Animals By Biome
- 3.1 Alpine
- 3.2 Benthic
- 3.3 Boreal Forest
- 3.4 Coastal
- 3.5 Desert
- 3.6 Freshwater
- 3.7 Grassland
- 3.8 Montane
- 3.9 Pelagic
- 3.10 Reef
- 3.11 Savannah
- 3.12 Scrub
- 3.13 Temperate Dry Forest
- 3.14 Temperate Rainforest
- 3.15 Tropical Dry Forest
- 3.16 Tropical Rainforest
- 3.17 Tundra
- 3.18 Wetlands
- 4 Animals By Conse…
ZT2 Forgotten Animals - Animal Description Ideas
Here's a master plan, Inspired by Zoo Tycoon Animals.htm:
I wish you can add it look like that on The Restorers' Website.
Popular Category Intersections
This blog is work-in-progress. Updates and errors are to be expected
Download Recommendations
Hello, this is Lgcfm. Here is a list of my download recommendations (also known as mods), meant to help people just getting into ZT2 downloads, but hopefully veterans can also find something interesting here.
These recommendations are split in several sections, depending on what type of content you are looking to add to your game.
Please note these are all just my personal opinions, but I've tried to include the most obvious choices. I am also a modder myself, and there is some bias towards my own work because, well, I made things because I thought they were interesting/needed.
If you have trouble getting any of these working, please check the Frequent Download Problems page. I'll also be answering to comments to this blog post, so feel free t…
An Alternative Zoo Tycoon 2 (My Version)
This is my version of what would happen if, not only all animals from the original Zoo Tycoon games were added to Zoo Tycoon 2, but also new species were added to Zoo Tycoon 2, including the expansion packs.
- 1 List of Animals
- 1.1 Zoo Tycoon 2
- 2 Animals By Biome
- 2.1 Alpine
- 2.2 Benthic
- 2.3 Boreal Forest
- 2.4 Coastal
- 2.5 Desert
- 2.6 Grasslands
- 2.7 Pelagic
- 2.8 Reef
- 2.9 Savannah
- 2.10 Scrub
- 2.11 Temperate Forest
- 2.12 Tropical Rainforest
- 2.13 Tundra
- 2.14 Wetlands
- 3 Animals by Conservation Status
- 3.1 Low Risk
- 3.2 Vulnerable
- 3.3 Endangered
- 3.4 Critically Endangered
- 3.5 Extinct
- 4 Extras (Cheat Codes)
- Bald Eagle
- Bighorn Sheep (It is compatible with Scrub and Boreal Forest biomes)
- Cave Lion (It is compatible with Tundra biome)
- Giant Moa
- Himalayan Brown Bear
- Ibex
- Irish Elk (It is compatible with Boreal Fores…
My wishlist ideas
- Werewolf (adoptable animal)
- Vampire (adaptable animal/staff)
- Wendigo (including an Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) variant) (an adoptable animal or a staff)
- Elephant bird remodel (simply removing the head crest and wings to make it more scientifically accurate)
- Moose resize (making it smaller than an elephant, about the size of an American bison)
- Toraton (adoptable animal from The Future is Wild)
- Gigantelope (adoptable animal from After Man)
- Gamera (but make it not too big, about the size of a Jurassic Park pack's Tyrannosaurus, so it wouldn't cause a game crash and so it would fit in the zoo)
- Killer penguin teeth removal (removes the teeth from the killer penguin's beak to make it more like normal penguins)
- Killer penguin's glowing eyes removal (Replaces t…
Biome Hack (My Idea)
- 1 Blue Fang:
- 1.1 Original:
- 1.2 Endangered Species:
- 1.3 African Adventure:
- 1.4 Dino Danger Pack:
- 1.5 Marine Mania:
- 1.6 Extinct Animals:
- 2 The Restorers:
- 2.1 Forgotten Animals:
- 2.2 Dinosaur Digs:
- 2.3 Colonel Swampert:
- Eastern Moose Moves to Temperate Forest biome.
- Asiatic Black Bear Moves to Alpine biome.
- Red Panda Moves to Alpine biome.
- Indian Peafowl Moves to Tropical Rainforest biome.
- African Leopard Moves to Savannah biome.
- Eastern Gray Wolf Moves to Temperate Forest biome.
- Spanish Lynx Moves to Scrub biome.
- Spectacled Bear Moves to Tropical Rainforest biome.
- Striped Hyena Moves to Scrub biome.
- Secretary Bird Moves to Savannah Biome.
- Ratel Moves to Savannah Biome.
- Aardvark Moves to Savannah Biome.
- Gerenuk Moves to Savannah Biome.
- African Buffalo Moves to Savannah Biome.
- Ca…
Zoo Tycoon 2: Dinosaur King Pack
This pack includes:
- Megalosaurus (Model/Texture)
- Eustreptospondylus
- Torvosaurus
- Piatnitzkysaurus
- Monolophosaurus
- Afrovenator
- Iguanodon
- Ouranosaurus
- Muttaburrasaurus
- Fukuisaurus
- Lanzhousaurus
- Cetiosaurus
- Shunosaurus
- Patagosaurus
- Troodon
- Anatotitan
- Corythosaurus
- Saurolophus
- Prosaurolophus
- Edmontosaurus
- Parasaurolophus
- Lambeosaurus lambei
- Lambeosaurus magnicristatus
- Brachylophosaurus
- Tsintaosaurus
- Shantungosaurus
- Maiasaura
- Altirhinus
- Charonosaurus
- Olorotitan
- Archaeopteryx
- Futabasaurus
- Leaellynasaura
- Ophthalmosaurus
- Pteranodon
- Camarasaurus
- Jobaria
- Allosaurus fragilis
- Allosaurus atrox
- Saurophaganax
- Neovenator
- Fukuiraptor
- Stegosaurus
- Dacentrurus
- Kentrosaurus
- Lexovisaurus
- Wuerhosaurus
- Tuojiangosaurus
- Gigantspinosaurus
- Titanosaurus
- Nemegtosaurus
- Opisthocoelicaudia
- Saltasaurus
- Ampelosaurus
- Gondwanatita…
- African grey parrot
- Bald eagle
- Dawn Bat
- Dimorphodon
- Giant Fruit Bat
- Karaurus
- Keel-billed toucan
- Pterodactylus
- Rhamphorhynchus
- Sulawesi Flying Fox
- Triadobatrachus
Article Template (Post-Migration)
(If Applicable)
- Unavailable/Unreleased downloads (using a pair of pointed brackets)
- Biologically related species (with some exceptions), designation for extinct animals
- Fictional animals will instead have their type of fictional listed
- Any and all creators of the mod
- Any pack the mod is part of
- Geographic locations of origin, designation for extinct animals (not added for fictional animals)
- The biome of origin, designation for extinct animals (not added for fictional animals)
- If a mod has any biome hacks that are listed, they are listed after the mod's original biome
- Conservation status (not added for fictional animals)
- Extinct animals instead have time periods the animal is from
- Release year
- Public domain (if it applies)
Zoo Tycoon 2: We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story Pack
This pack includes:
This list was over 7 dinosaurs.
- Apatosaurus
- Parasaurolophus
- Polyglyphanodon
- Pteranodon
- Thescelosaurus
- Triceratops
- Tyrannosaurus rex
My wishlist for Zoo Tycoon 2 (version 2)
Here's my download wishlist I would love someone or some people to make.
Note that none of these animals or stuff should replace the current animals or stuff already in the game, with the exception of Protarchaeopteryx Remake.
- 1 After Man Mega-Pack
- 2 The Future is Wild Pack
- 3 Spore Pack
- 4 Pokémon Pack
- 5 Werewolf
- 6 Vampire
- 7 All Todays Pack
I know there's already a pack containing some animals from After Man, but it doesn't contain every animal from that book series. Here's the example list of After Man animals I would love to see added to Zoo Tycoon 2:
- Savanna: Tropical Gigantelope, Long-Necked Gigantelope, Rundihorn, Valuphant, Snorke, Long-Necked Yippa, Matriarch Tinamou, Raboon, Ghole, Flightless Guineafowl, etc
- Wetland: Reedstilt, Pfrit, Mud-Gulper, etc…
Zoo Tycoon 2: The Land Before Time Pack
This pack includes:
This list was over 110 dinosaurs.
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Adocus
- Aigialosaurus
- Alamosaurus
- Allosaurus
- Alphadon
- Amargasaurus
- Anchisaurus
- Ankylosaurus
- Apatosaurus
- Archelon
- Argentinosaurus
- Barosaurus
- Baryonyx
- Beipiaosaurus
- Brachiosaurus
- Camarasaurus
- Camptosaurus
- Campylognathoides
- Carnotaurus
- Cearadactylus
- Centrosaurus
- Ceratogaulus
- Ceratosaurus
- Cetiosaurus
- Chasmosaurus
- Chirostenotes
- Coelophysis
- Compsognathus
- Corythosaurus
- Cretoxyrhina
- Cryptoclidus
- Deinosuchus
- Didelphodon
- Dilophosaurus
- Dimorphodon
- Diplodocus
- Dromaeosaurus
- Dromiceiomimus
- Dryosaurus
- Edaphosaurus
- Edmontonia
- Edmontosaurus
- Einiosaurus
- Elasmosaurus
- Eryops
- Gallimimus
- Giganotosaurus
- Herrerasaurus
- Heterodontosaurus
- Hydrotherosaurus
- Hypacrosaurus
- Hypsilophodon
- Ichthyornis
- Ichthyostega
- Iguanodon
- Kentrosaurus
- Kritosaurus
- Lagerpeton
- Lamb…
Deoxys for Zoo Tycoon 2?
There's these two Deoxys models from the site,, and I want them to be made into adoptable animals. Here's the link for two of these Deoxys forms currently available (although the normal forme version has a regular arm inside the tentacle-arms and that may be hard to rework or fix):
- Original forme
- Attack forme
Kemono Friends Animal Cutouts (Complete Collection
Here's the official pack for Kemono Friends (Complete Collection) for anyone would like to use here's a link for more info.
now here's the pack.
Article Template
(If Applicable)
- Unavailable/Unreleased downloads (using a pair of pointed brackets)
- Biologically related species (with some exceptions), designation for extinct animals
- Fictional animals will instead have their type of fictional listed
- Any and all creators of the mod
- Any pack the mod is part of
- Geographic locations of origin, designation for extinct animals (not added for fictional animals)
- The biome of origin, designation for extinct animals (not added for fictional animals)
- If a mod has any biome hacks that are listed, they are listed after the mod's original biome
- Conservation status (not added for fictional animals)
- Extinct animals instead have time periods the animal is from
- Release year
- Public domain (if it applies)
Tips on Article Creation for Mods
Here's some tips to help create effective articles for the wiki. To give some visualizations, I'll mostly be using my African forest elephant mod.
- 1 General
- 2 Title
- 3 Heading
- 4 Gallery
- 5 Creator
- 6 UXP
- 7 Release Date
- 8 Credits
- 9 Public Domain
- 10 Required Exps
- 11 Required Downloads
- 12 Where to Find
- 13 Additions
- 14 Categories
- 15 Other
- 16 Reminder
- I recommend creating and editing articles using the source editor. I may do a future guide on a few source editor commands, but most of them can be found on the top of the article editor.
- Please use an existing article as a template for a new article, it goes a long way to making article look nice.
The Title should contain the name of the mod, with the name of any and all creators in brackets/parentheses ("( )").
- If a mod has two autho…
Zoo Tycoon 2: Fantasia Dinosaurs
This pack includes:
- Placochelys
- Tylosaurus
- Elamosaurus
- Pteranodon
- Dimetrodon
- Nothosaurus
- Ankylosaurus
- Triceratops
- Troodon
- Archaeopteryx
- Apatosaurus
- Struthiomimus
- Stegosaurus
- Hallopus
- Parasaurolophus
- Edmontosaurus
- Plateosaurus
- Kannemeyeria
- Massospondylus
- Lambeosaurus
- Corythosaurus
- Diplodocus
- Gryposaurus
- Psittacosaurus
- Tyrannosaurus
- Dimorphodon
- Hypsilophodon
- Coelophysis
- Brachiosaurus
- Anchisaurus
- Compsognathus
- Chasmosaurus
- Camptosaurus
- Oviraptor
- Camarasaurus
- Ceratosaurus
Zoo Tycoon 2: Disney's Animal Kingdom Pack
This pack includes:
- 1 Animals
- 2 Foliage
- 3 Tour Objects
- 4 Other
- 5 Gallery
- African wild ass
- Alioramus
- Dama gazelle
- Impala
- Parasaurolophus
- Saltasaurus
- Sumatran Tiger
- Watusi Cattle
- Tree of Life
- Kilimanjaro Safaris Jeep
- CTX Themed Music Rock
- Dragon Cave
- Restaurantosaurus
My wishlist for Zoo Tycoon 2
Here's my download wishlist I would love someone or some people to make.
Note that none of these animals or stuff should replace the current animals or stuff already in the game, with the exception of Protarchaeopteryx Remake.
- 1 After Man Mega-Pack
- 2 The Future is Wild Pack
- 3 Spore Pack
- 4 Pokémon Pack
- 5 Werewolf
- 6 Vampire
- 7 Protarchaeopteryx Remake
I know there's already a pack containing some animals from After Man, but it doesn't contain every animal from that book series. Here's the example list of After Man animals I would love to see added to Zoo Tycoon 2:
- Savanna: Tropical Gigantelope, Long-Necked Gigantelope, Rundihorn, Valuphant, Snorke, Long-Necked Yippa, Matriarch Tinamou, Raboon, Ghole, Flightless Guineafowl, etc
- Wetland: Reedstilt, Pfrit, Mud-Gu…
ZTV page archive
Zoo Tycoon Volcano (known colloquially as ZTV) is a Zoo Tycoon 2 fansite and one of the most successful and famous in the community's history. It has been best known for its exclusive downloads and its emphasis on content related to dinosaurs, prehistoric life and extinct animals in general. It is also well-known for containing some mild mature content, aiming itself more at teenage and adult players. It retains an extensive download database.
The site was started on July 16, 2006 by Zooasaurus Rex, and hosted on InvisionFree forum software. As of January 18th, 2018, the site's current incarnation has 4,855 members, and is under new leadership lead by Incinerox, and is now hosted by Jcink forum services.
The sites activity is now primarily done ov…
Notes to Self
Needs new renders:
- Steppe Mammoth (Luca9108) (pixelated & don't line up right)
Pages to make:
- BRR's garbage
- Dinosaur Pack (Ulquiorra)
- screams in Dwarfbomb's downloads*
Pleistocene Project (Megaloraptor) - blog version
This is a blog about Pleistocene Project expansion pack. After I will release something, I will make a page on Wili and ALL the information from the blog will be moved to the page. Blog will be removed after that.
Pleistocene Projest is a user-made expansion pack worked on by Megaloraptor and Tycoonfan. It will contain animals and foliage from Pleistocene (and some modern, e.g. saiga antelope and sedge), and also some animal shelters, animal food, animal enrichment, buildings, paths, scenery and possibly some new biomes. Expansion pack will be divided into 7 parts, each one will contain different things.
- 1 Release date
- 2 Contents
- 2.1 Parts
- 2.2 Animals
- 2.2.1 Pleistocene Eurasia
- 2.2.2 Pleistocene Mediterannean
- 2.2.3 Pleistocene Africa
- 2.2.4 Pleistocene North …
Not really ZT2 related but.
Doe anyone know where i can Download APE? ZooAdmin is now down so I'm not sure if there is a way to get APE.
Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger Revival Pack (Read Desc)
Welcome, this is first modding and I'm not very good at it but I will try my best. I will inform if I need help. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT'S NOT COMPLETED YET.
So basically, this mod will include all old skins and old dinosaur fence of the Dino Danger Pack.
- 1 Progress
- 2 Description
- 3 Screenshots
- 3.1 Comparison
- Original Dinosaur Fence = 95% (Just need to fixed the bfb linked to bfmat)
- All Original four skins = 0%
After waiting for so long and yet you have been wanting the old skins of the dinosaur or the original dinosaur fence? Well, not for long now cause we're bringing you our own Dino Danger Pack revival!
This includes:
- All four original skins of Dino Danger animals (Note: they will splitting as copies of their entities as their textures are…
Dino Danger Pack (OLD version) (link provided if you can fix the issue)
I have the OLD Dino Danger version and I was trying to add the old fence back into the game. But, there were some issues with the z2f.
It doesn't seem to look like corrupted but while trying to extract it, it said it's corrupted. It's possible that Oberon Media encrypted or somehow block from trying to extract. I also have tried extracting it but it seems they protected it somehow.
Secondly (Yes, the old fences is still in the DLC but textures and gate are taken off. Even if you take the texture from EA, it looks horrible. Gate....I don't know),
If someone is willing to manage to get the file off (they successfully get rid of what Oberon Media did.....), I will provide the link here.
Thank you.…
I'm an Official ZT2 Designer!
After three years of learning on how to design dinosaurs for ZT2, I've gone from beginner to almost pro designer. I also most certainly do have the evidense to prove it. Over at Zoo Tycoon Animalia I've showcased my newly released Jurassic World Mini Pack in the link [[1]] In my point of view, I have done such a smashing job. At first I didn't have the guts to do it, but pushed my self to reaching my goal to becomming a near profeshional game designer! OMG I'm speechless now!
Here are some pics to prove it, and a link to my download site. [Jurassic Designs]
I am a huge fan of Zoo Tycoon 2 and use this site a lot! I have a youtube channel and I post videos to do with ZT2 exhibits, lets plays and downloads!
On my ZT2 page I post all those things but also some cool pictures!
Make sure to follow!
Zoo Tycoon Paranoia part 4 (Insanity) Ideas.
Bear Lake Monster
BIOME: Freshwater
DIET: Fish+*, Meat, Shells*
FENCING: Strong Fencing
SPACE: Atleast a 9x9 area for a pair of them
SHELTER: Underwater Cave ▲(This Represents new to Paranoia)
BIOME: Temperate Forest
DIET: Meat, Blood▲
FENCING: Most Fances
SPACE: 3x4 area for a pair
SHELTER: Caves and Shade Sturctures
ENRICHMENT: Anything a canine would play with.
SCP - 682 (A Special Fictional Animal AKA "The Hard to Destroy Reptillian")
BIOME: Coastal
Diet: Meat, Fish, Guests XD
FENCING: Special fencing designed to keep supremely powerful creatures (SCP - Fence▲)
STAR RATING: 5 for sure
SPACE: 12x12 for a single SCP - 682
SHELTER: Underwater Caves, Kelp Bed.
ENRICHMENT: Guests, Livefood, Your Animals XD.
Here are the top ten DOWNLOADS i want to see in zoo tycoon 2
- 1 10. Yi Qi
- 2 9. Burrowing Snagret
- 3 8. Montauk Monster
- 4 7. Amphicoelias
- 5 6. Bulborb: Red, Orange, Hairy, Firey Bulbax and Spotty Bulbear with respective dwarf versions
- 6 5. FIW Pack
- 7 4. Maniraptorians Pack
- 8 3. Cretaceous Wessex Pack REMAKE (with added jurassicness !3)
- 9 2. Speculative Dinosaurs
- 10 1!. TUPOA The Ultimate Pack Of Animals
Kicking of our list is the winged cousin of Epidexipteryx. This little dinosaur is the earliest known gliding dinosaur. this is what i think it would need to live
BIOME: Temperate forest/Temperate rainforest
DIET: Insects, Fish, Meat
SPACE: Atleast a 3x3 area for a pair of them
SHELTER: Hollow Logs, Mini Dinosaur Perch (i made the perch up but it would be …