Sorry for posting more wishlists than normal, but it would be great if the following animals (which currently don't have any good vanilla-styled models) had vanilla ZT2-styled models and textures:
*Marsupial Tapir (Palorchestes azael) - Wetland
*Marsupial Hippopotamus (Zygomaturus trilobus) - Wetland
*Marsupial Panda (Hulitherium tomasetti) - Tropical Rainforest
*Euryzygoma (Euryzygoma dunense) - Tropical Rainforest
*Nototherium (Nototherium inerme) - Scrub
*California Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos californicus) - Scrub
*California Tapir (Tapirus californicus) - Temperate Forest
*European Tapir (Tapirus arvernensis) - Boreal Forest
*Lophialetes (Lophialetes expeditus) - Savanna
*Helaletes (Helaletes nanus) - Scrub
*Protapirus (Protapirus priscus) - Alpine
*Moropus (Moropus elatus) - Grassland
*Tylocephalonyx (Tylocephalonyx skinneri) - Scrub
*Nestoritherium (Nestoritherium sivalense) - Tropical Rainforest
*Hesperotherium (Hesperotherium sinense) - Temperate Forest
*Pygmy American Rhinoceros (Uintaceras radinskyi) - Grassland
*Hornless American Rhinoceros (Aphelops megalodus) - Grassland
*Broad-Nosed American Rhinoceros (Subhyracodon occidentalis) - Grassland
*Twin-Horned American Rhinoceros (Menoceras arikarense) - Grassland
*Short-Horned American Rhinoceros (Teleoceras major) - Grassland
*Phiomia (Phiomia serridens) - Scrub
*European Shovel-Tusked Elephant (Gomphotherium angustidens) - Grassland
*Asian Shovel-Tusked Elephant (Gomphotherium shensiensis) - Boreal Forest
*American Shovel-Tusked Elephant (Gomphotherium productum) - Temperate Forest
*Amebelodon (Amebelodon fricki) - Grassland
*Platybelodon (Platybelodon grangeri) - Temperate Forest
*Chinese Stegodon (Stegodon zdanskyi) - Temperate Forest
*Hoe-Tusked Elephant (Deinotherium giganteum) - Savanna
*Astrapotherium (Astrapotherium burmeisteri) - Tropical Rainforest
*Pyrotherium (Pyrotherium romeroi) - Scrub
*Trumpeter Wildebeest (Rusingoryx atopocranion) - Savanna
*Giant Wildebeest (Megalotragus priscus) - Savanna
*Flat-Headed Peccary (Platygonus compressus) - Grassland
*Minorcan Giant Lagomorph (Nuralagus rex) - Scrub
*Orinoco Giant Pacarana (Phoberomys pattersoni) - Tropical Rainforest
*Southern Giant Pacarana (Josephoartigasia monesi) - Wetland
*Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus hatcheri) - Grassland
*Western European Lemur (Adapis parisiensis) - Boreal Forest
*European Ruffed Lemur (Darwinius masillae) - Tropical Rainforest
*German Lemur (Godinotia neglecta) - Temperate Forest
*Common American Lemur (Notharctus pugnax) - Temperate Forest
*Edward's Monkey Lemur (Archaeolemur edwardsi) - Scrub
*Major's Monkey Lemur (Archaeolemur majori) - Savanna
*Common Monkey Lemur (Hadropithecus stenognathus) - Temperate Forest
*Long-Armed Sloth Lemur (Mesopropithecus dolichobrachion) - Tropical Rainforest
*Ball-Headed Sloth Lemur (Mesopropithecus globiceps) - Tropical Rainforest
*Simian Sloth Lemur (Mesopropithecus pithecoides) - Tropical Rainforest
*Radofilao's Sloth Lemur (Babakotia radofilai) - Tropical Rainforest
*Southern Sloth Lemur (Palaeopropithecus ingens) - Tropical Rainforest
*Northern Sloth Lemur (Palaeopropithecus kelyus) - Tropical Rainforest
*Central Sloth Lemur (Palaeopropithecus maximus) - Tropical Rainforest
*Giant Sloth Lemur (Archaeoindris fontoynontii) - Tropical Rainforest
*Edward's Koala Lemur (Megaladapis edwardsi) - Tropical Rainforest
*Humpback Koala Lemur (Megaladapis grandidieri) - Tropical Rainforest
*Common Koala Lemur (Megaladapis madagascariensis) - Tropical Rainforest
*Southern Giant Ruffed Lemur (Pachylemur insignis) - Tropical Rainforest
*Northern Giant Ruffed Lemur (Pachylemur jullyi) - Tropical Rainforest
*Vietnamese Orangutan (Pongo hooijeri) - Tropical Rainforest
*Javan Orangutan (Pongo javensis) - Tropical Rainforest
*Shasta ground sloth (Nothrotheriops shastensis) - Desert
*Broad-billed Parrot (Lophopsittacus mauritanius) - Tropical Rainforest
*Red Rail (Aphanapteryx bonasia) - Tropical Rainforest
*Ergilornis (Ergilornis rapidus) - Savanna
*Marple's Penguin (Palaeeudyptes marplesi) - Coastal
*Ridgen's Penguin (Aptenodytes ridgeni) - Coastal
*Horcon's Crested Penguin (Eudyptes calauina) - Coastal
*Red-Capped Bear (Ursus rubercephala) - Grassland (It is a species of giant short-faced bear-sized bear of North America that resembles a grizzly bear, but without a hump on its shoulders and has much darker brown fur and a lighter orange-red "cap" coloration on its head, hence its name. It is one of the only known species of bear that lives and hunts in packs)
*Arctic Tapir (Tapirus polaris) - Tundra (It is a species of tapir that lives in the polar environments of northern North America, and has thick, dark brown fur, as well as blubber, to keep itself warm in the freezing environments)
*Lesser Polar Lemur (Scuirolemur vulgaris) - Tundra (It is a species of light brown lemur-like adapiform primate native to the Arctic, and can grow to be about the size of a rather large raccoon)
*Grant's Polar Lemur (Scuirolemur granti) - Alpine (It is a species of dark brown lemur-like adapiform primate native around the Arctic, but most commonly found in the alpine environments, and can grow to be about the size of a medium-sized raccoon)
*Giant Polar Lemur (Arctopolemur marinus) - Tundra (It is a species of pale-white lemur-like adapiform primate native to the Arctic, and is one of the largest primates capable of surviving the tundra environments, growing to be about the size of some of the largest baboons)
*White-Faced Penguin (Aptenodytes mumbli) - Tundra (It is a species of large penguin native to Antarctica that is comparable in size to the emperor penguin. Unlike the closesly-related emperor or king penguins, it has a light-grey coloration on its upper body, a black "capped" coloration, and a white face, hence its name. Its design is based on Mumble from the Happy Feet film)
*California Goblin (Neodromaeosaurus californianus) - Scrub (It is a living species of dromaeosaur theropod native to the arid environments of western North America. It is known for its sandy-pale feathers for camouflage in a desert environments and is the main natural rival to the coyote. Note: Its model should be based on Folksy Facelift's Velociraptor model for accuracy yet retaining the game's art style)
*Asian Goblin (Neodromaeosaurus asiaticus) - Grassland (It is a living species of dromaeosaur theropod native to the arid and humid environments of Asia, but most preferably in grasslands. It is known for its deep brown feathers, which thickens for insulation during winter. Note: Its model should be based on Folksy Facelift's Velociraptor model for accuracy yet retaining the game's art style)