Btw i have some questions:
Is there a roadrunner mod?
And a South American Tapir Mod?
Or even a Porcupine Mod? (no i'm not referring to flaky from happy tree friends)
So yeah
What's on your mind?
Btw i have some questions:
Is there a roadrunner mod?
And a South American Tapir Mod?
Or even a Porcupine Mod? (no i'm not referring to flaky from happy tree friends)
So yeah
Why are so many Zoo Tycoon 2 download websites being shut down or unavailable
I wanted to visit the Deinonychus's website, but when I clicked the link to his website I only got this!animals/cmzw
If there isn't a archived version of his site, hsi downloads should be listed as unavailable.
I believe that this download is still available at Burn's google drive
I decided to merge the files from "EA Remakes" Into one, but when I added it to my game, except for the names of the animals nothing had changed, did I do something wrong, because I followed the instructions of how to merge downloads?
I guess you could say this is a follow-up on my last post. I found the origin of the Paranoia Cerberus icon! By entering a link from the description of this video on the Wayback Machine, I was able to find Z-Studio website and more information on Paranoia.
I found icons for most animals from Panic and Hysteria, as well as some lost(?) animals such as the Mothman, the Quetzalcoatl, and of course, the Cerberus! I'm not yet sure if these animals were finished and their downloads were lost, or they just weren't included in the other releases of Paranoia such as the one on Nexus. Anyways, here are the icons I found for the Mothman and the Quetzalcoatl.
Once again, (although I'm not sure if self-promotion is allowed, if this even does count as self-promotion) I have made a Paranoia wiki, so feel free to check it out, and have an amazing day!
After hours and hours of playing since I installed Radical Remake, I just found out that crouching near water areas causes a glitch that makes the plants appear transparent. I tried looking for help on, but Hendrix's download link is broken. If anyone knows how to fix it or has the file, it
I don't know what I did, but after installing Arabian Night, the model of the Javan rhinoceros started to distort. Not like the whole body is completely distorted, but the right leg is distorted. I don't know if this happened when I resized it from its folder, but I’m not sure. Can anyone here help me fix this annoying bug?
Hi everyone, I want to tell you that I just made a new animal for ZT2
Requires the EE Endangered Species expansion
I was on Google trying to find info on Paranoia for a wiki I am working on (if anyone is interested, here it is) until I found this image.
I remember hearing somewhere that Paranoia was going to include a Cerberus at some point, but that never ended up happening, or did it? If anyone has any background information on this image, please let me know.
I just discovered that this download is possibly still available on "Burn's google drive"